
By anhedgie20112

Good day

Look at Courtney's pupils all dilated!

Mr. Mattone's mom passed away. He is such a sweet man. I am honored to be his student. He had such a positive outlook on her passing. It made me really think.

Resolved the tri-m situation! I think the term would be, "INTJd the shit out of it." I made it come down to a survivor split alliance. Aw yeah.

Eye doctor. Dr. Sorkin is a really cool guy. Sight is such a beautiful gift.

Chilled instead of running. Villa monte.

Senior awards! I racked up some nice music awards. I was really proud of getting the four year music departmental award. Mr. Golbert gave a really nice speech about me. A total of $180 too from tonight. Lol when the mystery kid who got the perfect attendance award didn't attend the ceremony. Kimia and Kristen got $5000 scholarships! Wowza

Looking forward to tomorrow!

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