Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

J for June - Jentacular

Vaguely rude sounding, but it actually means "of, or pertaining to breakfast".

Eggs Benedict - the best breakfast food in the world ever. And a bonus for me as I got to the hairdressers to find I was a week early so I utilised the sudden free time to stuff my face.

So yesterday John persuaded me to do an online life expectancy questionnaire. I was ruthlessly honest in my answers about weight and lifestyle, but even so, I was shocked to get a life expectancy of 49.5 years. So that gives me about 90 days to get my affairs in order....

I tried amending answers, until I was a marathon running, teetotal vegan but it was only gaining me a month or so. Yikes!

I got John to check it - seems I had entered my height in feet and inches rather than just inches so it thought I was 5 inches tall. So for anyone out there who is in fact 5 inches tall, go out and live your short (!) life to the full.

My life expectancy is in fact 88. Losing three stones and giving up alcohol only increased it by about a month so what the hell. There's always Another Way To Die anyway.

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