
By 63JR

On the R0ad

Teaching as fieldwork.
IMS seminar on "strategy execution".
A good day.
Drove 275 miles each way.
4 hours plus.
Time alone.
Able to "take stock"
And "count my blessings".

Reminded me of "starting out",
Teaching Sociology at night at Penn State (Continuing Education)
And later teaching the SJU Business Policy course.
Good memories.
Inner images carried over many years.

Enjoyed driving back circa 8pm
Along Old Hillsboro Pike
Seeing horses in the twilight.

Returning home, MA told me Parker and Ella
Loved going to our pool yesterday at Westhaven.

KB's AM text said it best:

"Have a feeling Parker is going to want to go to your pool
EVERYDAY this summer !"

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