
By MummaHen

Vinales Cuba

Stayed in a home stay or "Casa" in this beautiful valley. We were down in the valley but were taken up to this area so we could get good photos. There was a attractive hotel here which would have caught the cooling breezes, and great sunsets. Seemed it had few guests apart from the usual hens and chicks wandering around. Cubans come here for a holiday.
Also visited a cigar factory. The types of cigars included a "Winston Churchill, a Romeo and Juliette etc about fourty different varieties each a slightly different length, thickness and a variation in the end.
Three types of leaves were used some for the aroma , some for the burning and another reason I have forgotten. Once the leaves were stripped of their stems, rolled, squashed, wrapped and had the finishing ends they were tested for density and porosity ie smoke can be sucked through.

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