Busy Bee

This bumblebee -- most likely a Sitka bumble bee, found along the Pacific coast and in parts of Idaho -- and all the others on our columbines/acquilegias were certainly busy late this afternoon, and so was I!

Our front and back gardens seemed to explode with greenery weeds while we were away, and today I was determined to make a start at rectifying that problem. I'd intended to weed for only an hour or so, not wanting to trigger any old aches and pains, but it's hard to stop once a bit of ground is cleared, so I was outside for three hours, balancing weeding with episodic breaks to photograph the steady stream of bumble bees on these flowers.

Between an appointment this morning, making a couple of meals, doing three loads of laundry, having a long phone chat with my son, and the aforementioned gardening/photography bonanza, which resulted in 230 images to review, the day has disappeared. I'll catch up with you all on Friday -- or Saturday!

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