Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Mapping out my life

After yesterday preparing my study timetable for now until October, I felt I should probably also claim a little corner to study in. Technically we have a "study" but there's only one desk and that's pretty much entirely covered by the pc, amp, peripherals and The Boy using the PC. In my last flat it was the kitchen table but again, we don't have one of those in this flat so instead I've staked the end of our huge dining table. I used to feel the top poster was gigantic when it was on the wall in my old room but now it (and one at least twice the size) tuck away behind the tv and could almost go un-noticed.

I told myself I was going to get out for a stroll along the canal today but unfortunately I'm still suffering from the orange and so have spent a lot of the day in bed. Maybe tomorrow?

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