Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

The things people do.

I got out of the flat today for a wander along the canal. I found out that the canal's not all that interesting when there's no birds on it. If I had known how, today's blip may have been a montage called "The stupid things people do to the canal".

Now I could almost understand people walking on the canal when it was really hard frozen (idiotic as it was) but now the thaw is setting in, the areas under the bridges are melting and thin patches are showing.

Yet today on the canal I saw:

A bike that had been thrown under a bridge
Numerous people walking,
Numerous bricks and breeze blocks and boulders,
A couple allow their toddler who could barely walk to go on the ice on his own,
2 cross country skiers,
Numerous cyclists,
A full sized shopping cage (the sort they use in supermarkets) thrown under a bridge

But the one that I feel was most idiotic was the group of about 6 people who were skating on the ice! Not only were they skating on it, they were very close to a thawed area and using a shovel to scrape away a smooth patch on the ice. Now at least with all the other stupid things people were doing, they had a reasonable sized area in contact with the ice, spreading their weight but ice skates are designed to CUT THROUGH ice.

Each to their own I suppose but you wouldn't catch me on it with a thaw setting in.

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