On the road, again

To the parvati valley. This is a bus stop in naggar....and what a journey...80km in six hours, so driver who got a nose bleed as soon as he hit second gear...and landscapes out of dreams

And a fabulous start to the day bumping into dann, from pushkar, in the deodar wood...seems we've been crisscrossed, shadowing eachither these last weeks...typical to meet on a leaving day, but time enough...just odd to meet in a wood in India...or is that just the norm?

Parvati is glorious, again connections with other hills, other waters but, sadly, I think these landscapes form an aspect of the Scottish psyche. We come from a small, hard land...we recognise this in other places; kinship?
Certainly chhalal, the village where I'm staying, 20minutes from here, over a meccano bridge and follow the river:-) has no wifi, walk to Kasol, next week no regularity to the blips....he laughs, as if..

Too tired for relevant trains of thought..
Tomorrow more beauty, should I safely home return....

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