at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Appetite returns

Becuase sometimes Daddy gets confussed and tries to remove the spoon of rice pudding (with added cream and nutmeg) before you're quite done with it. I suggested Euan get another spoon and leave this one with Ivy, Ivy very carefulyl used her spoon to draw on Euan's trousers when he wasn't looking and then sat back to admire her artwork.

As you may be able to tell- she's pretty much back to her usual mischeivious self (and her appetite is certainly back). She does have a rattle in her chest, a face covered with green bogeys and a rather wet cough- but I'm sure these'll pass soon.

wasn't going to gaelic toddlers this morning (didn't want to infect other children with Ivy's babyonic plague) but Katy sent me a picture to say Seb was on his own as all teh other kids were at the beach collecting stuff for an art project. So we went down- by the time we got there another mum had arrived with her little girl. Ivy played with a drum and with a dolly, petting it and cradlign it in her arms. I have no idea where she learned that- but I was very impressed. I tried to take a photo, but i'd lef tthe SD card in the pc. She then swung the dolly around by it's foot, which I thought was more like her.

She didn't take a proper morning nap, I only got 20 minutes out of her in the end- so she slept on my back when we went on an allotment trip.

When Euan got home we went out for coffee and cakes, and it was so sunny (even though it had been overcast and cold all day until about half an hour ago) that we sat outside the cheilidh place and smelt the mussels they were cooking- and had to have some (and a venison burger to give ivy finger food). So when we got in, she had some playtime with the cardboard box from Pops before pudding (pictured).

We're not quite sure where the evil looking lump/bruise/scratch combo from her cheek has come from. Looked back through photos from today to try and pinpoint it, she had the scratch by 9am this morning, but not last night- but the lump only came up since we went for coffee. Very odd. I hope it doesn't swell up anymore or her eye will close a bit :(

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