twinned with trumpton


It's the Lidl things in life....

Early start, boys awake 0530, Will E Coyote on as I tried to grasp another 4o minutes but was largely thwarted. Combination of younger one, texts, heat and traffic.

So, up and out, to school just about on time. Alex and I wandered of to Morrisons, in search of shopping for her, and a few things for us. Then Iceland, B & M and then as we came into Lidl the light / shade combo of the door way presented itself.

Home, made a packed lunch and then off to school, gathered up Tom to collect G.

We sauntered off in the sunshine to Picardy Place, Cigs blip outside the BOS, Tesco for cool refreshments and then a 26 to Portobello to meet Val with a final dog walk of Maddie and Cian prodding before they flee out to East Linton. We were early and ate sandwiches, fruit, crisps on the prom before changing into more beachy dog walky clothes.

Val turned up at 2, Cian has grown enormously and we had a very slow wander along the sand - tide was out, sand halfway to Fife. Kids threw Maddie's ball, Val and I chatted back and forth; very enjoyable afternoon. Mobbed, but there was a happy vibe in the air.

Bus home, ham on for dinner, then played swingball as she arrived from work; we had a glass of shiraz in the sun, then bundled everyone insode, ate, kids eating ham potatoes spinach carrots then sticky toffee pudding whilst the adults had chicken with mozzarella yoghurt chilli basil orange zest parsley mint grated beetroot and carrot. So fresh and zingy, just the perfect summer supper.

G got slightly ratty so they exited, but 99% fine for everyone, it all seems to be settling nicely.

And bath / bed stuff done, everyone slightly pink, smiling, tired.

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