I blipped this chap in May. He was donated to the office to help raise funds during our charity bike ride. We've named him SCBU ( we are raising money for the Special Care Baby Unit) and over the last two days he has been out with the cyclists and having his photo taken at each stop.

He was feeling the heat this afternoon and just had to have a lie down on one of the support cars and catch his breath - do you know had tiring it is being photographed all day!

Please to report all cyclists safely back to base this evening, clocking up another 60 miles today. Last look on the justgiving site and we are almost at our £5000 target.

It has been a real privilege to be part of the support team encouraging and supporting the cyclists over the miles. The last 10 were the toughest, battling down a busy A road and not going quite fast enough for the motorists desperate to pass us but not having long enough straight stretches of road to overtake.

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