
By katgirl


This is graduation from the lamest, most expensive camp ever. Bob was supposed to learn programming for Minecraft. This would be perfect for Bob, as he loves both computers and Minecraft. Unfortunately, this camp turned out to be 8 hours of playing Minecraft each day. The only thing he learned was how to install a mod, not design one as he had hoped. It wasn't all bad. Bob loved 8 hours of screen time for a week. And during a week when James had a lot of work & me in the hospital, it was good for Bob to have a place to spend the day.

At the graduation, the counselors spoke briefly about each student before handing them the diploma. I had hoped to get a picture of Bob smiling, but he did not cooperate. I guess I will add it to his binder of honors & achievements. As we peruse the binder in the future, I am sure that we will get a frustrated chuckle remembering that this was earned by playing a video game for 40 hours.

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