Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Successful take off...

...Now making our ascent.

The crew will be bringing the trolley along shortly with refreshments.

(And, no doubt, a plea regarding donations for homeless bees...
Which I'm sure is a good cause.

We've had quite a few visitors during the last week.
Isn't it an Absolute Privilege to be able to help friends in need?
And to have one's family join in too?

Thank you Family. You're all Superstars.

Does anyone else notice how, for every full frontal (so to speak) bee image,
there are probably...Ooo.... Around thirty (?) back views?

So, I give you one of the 'less interesting' types,
having been in the bushes for entire duration of a washing machine cycle.
(I've been told) :-/

It's good to be back! Comments coming soon.

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