Scouting for Girls

Me'n'Betty at the Gordon Gathering today.
Arrived with the Beavers about 9.30 for a full on day of activities. The average sleeping time last night was apparently 2 hours, with the kids up playing football by 4am and demanding breakfast by 5.30am. Glad to have missed that!
Morning of hopper football, crazy golf,inflatable slide, sumo wrestling (hilarious as beavers are a bit wee for the suits and have to be bodily lifted to return them to a standing position!), jousting, beaver fussball then Soo Yang Do.
Back to the sub camp for lunch, met up with Betty again who was looking quite weary by this point.
Afternoon of catapults, rockets, pancake making, Smore making, marble run, crate climbing and ended the day with drumming,inflatable slide and bungee running.
Result- exhausted Beavers and a quiet bus home.
I went back up to the site tonight to drop off fleece blanket and fleece onesie for Betty- she was complaining of being cold last night, there's nothing worse when camping. The rain was coming down but the whole camp (about 800 I believe) were at the campfire, to be followed by a disco.

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