Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


Perfect day today with my little ones. Amelie had nursery in the morning and Isaac napped whilst she was there. Then I packed a picnic, Amelie's bike and we set off to pick her up. We walked to the park which is 5 minutes from the nursery and had a lovely picnic and a play for most of the afternoon. The weather was glorious and we had the park to ourselves. Amelie practiced her swinging on the big swing and walking on the balance beam without holding on. Isaac was thrilled he could climb the steps of the small climbing frame and slide down the slide all by himself (then up the slide and down the steps!) He did it over and over and over again. In fact, nearly the whole time we were there was spent perfecting his new skill. At one point whilst I was watching Amelie on the beam he was behind me at the bottom of the huge (about 7/8 ft) slide, just sitting on the end. I saw him, turned back to see Amelie finish walking across then turned back round to find he had climbed right up the slide bit and was at the top grinning down at me. I am sure he was just going to turn round and slide down but I flew up the steps in a panic to help him. I sent Amelie to the bottom to catch him (good job as he went fast!) What. A. Boy.
It got to the stage he was falling head first down the little slide he was so exhausted and we decided to head home. Amelie rode her bike all the way and Isaac sat looking very dazed in the buggy. We got ice creams from the garage and I intended for Isaac and I to share but Mr Independent needed one of his own. I kept sneaking big chunks of it as I didn't want him to have that much! But he was delighted at getting to hold his own. I filled the water tray and they played happily outside for an hour or so before coming in for dinner and baths.

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