Glasgow Mela

As a counterpoint to the colour and jollity of the Glasgow Mela, I've chosen this shot of my boys looking dark and sinister. They had great fun with these masks and revelled in the attention of admiring passers-by.

They must take after their mother who, much to the wry amusement of hubby, revelled in the attention of Diversity Arts UK, who decided to plop me down on a cushion with a crown on my head , just because I happen to work for an organisation that helped them out. It was hilarious (and very, very lovely of them)!

Me, hubby and the boys all thoroughly enjoyed the bandstand as a venue for some brilliant Indian dance acts. We also thoroughly enjoyed the West End parade, which we braved for the first time in 5 years. The last time we went it was truly awful. Far too many pissed people and fights. I like a glass of wine myself, but really...and as for a fight, I only indulge on a Saturday night :-)

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