bucks life

By bucksmiss

Twit twoo

Well, God was smiling on Castlethorpe today with 23C for most of the day and pretty white clouds in a beautiful blue sky. I'm so pleased for the Duck Race. It's over now and I can only hope they did a roaring trade as I wasn't able to go.

We had a late breakfast and then I prepped lunch while W and J caught up with Facebook and the Sunday papers. I managed to catch my neighbour and arm twisted him into taking my (bought!) cakes down to the tea tent for the show. Phew, I was worried they wouldn't make it.

C, S and Teddy arrived and shared their news with us, some of it very exciting! They've exchanged on their new house and expect to move in in the New Year after the remodelling. I also viewed a special photo they'd had taken...

After a relaxed lunch, we enjoyed Teddy's smiles and playful nature for a while longer then I dropped W and J at the station to catch their train for the next leg of their trip to Edinburgh and other destinations in Scotland. (Poor old J needs a further op in his foot as he recently managed to snap two of the stainless steel screws his surgeon implanted last year and was suffering a bit today. Ouch! It doesn't sound possible.)

I then headed over to watch PP+H dancing with the Owlswick Morris side at Thornton College show. My blip is of me (well nearly) holding and stroking Ellie the very friendly 13 year old Barn Owl, who naturally is their mascot. She let me stroke her beautiful feathers for ages, which was a great privilege as I think they are the most wonderfully beautiful birds.

I've loved the sun and heat this weekend and have caught the sun on my face, though I was wearing sunscreen today so I shouldn't have done too much damage. We noticed that B had a new dark mole on her face yesterday and as she works outside daily, I need to make sure she gets it seen to.

I've now got my feet up but still need to clear up the kitchen and get the garden cushions in before it rains again!

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