Nicktor's news

By Nicktor


When the boys were born, I read a few books on twins (which on the whole was a big mistake!)

I do recall one of the books saying that as soon as you pigeon hole them in any way, they swap whatever the behaviour is with their sibling - so if one is sporty on one is naughty, as soon as you say this out loud, they swap.

Son number 1 is the bowler, and son number two is the batsman. Well today (for the first time in many years), they swapped over! Son number one did very well batting, scoring 16 before being unlucky to be run out. And son number two bowled a spell of 3 overs of fast and accurate bowling that saw him take 1 wicket for only 5 runs.

Sadly it wasn't enough, and we lost. But I don't mind too much losing to Grayswood because they brought some fantastic home made cake for us to eat at half-time :-)

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