
By JimBob79

Water War

The older I get the more convinced I am that I have that seasonality syndrome thingy. I don't mind winter it's just the dark afternoons that gets me down. I've always loved summer - playing cricket in the garden, walking home from Church as the sun goes down etc. Wrongly people always seem to be happier when the sun is shining but that's just life I suppose. Today we had a family BBQ all afternoon which is the time when I become 11 years old again. Football & cricket first up then a wonderful spread of food followed by me starting off a great water fight. Love throwing water over mouthy little nephews and then watching the carnage unravel. For the next 45 minutes all the neighbours can hear is shrieks of 'not near the patio' or 'oh Jim let him go'. Brilliant.... there is a lot to be said for super soakers, buckets and lots of water.

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