From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Arguing, arguing, arguing!

That's all I've heard this morning from the garden.

It was a sunny but breezy day during which I thought about going for a stroll to get a picture of something without feathers but it went a bit grey so I decided not to bother.

I looked out at one stage and saw six starlings swinging on a suet cake holder and yelling at each other. There was a massive squawk as the whole unit fell apart. The birds flew into the trees and the little sods eyed me as I went out to replace the holder. I knew that particular holder was a bit dodgy and had bought a spare in Stratford yesterday anyway.

Today's picture is of a rather daft young starling who flew to the nut feeder on the shed to escape from a huge fight happening on the main feeder. There is no way he can get those nuts out and he soon sat on the table to watch the battle out of harm's way instead.

Go large nuts!!

It was a peculiar day really.

I went to the Dog and Doublet to meet John and Jenny for dinner. We meet up about once a month. John is my retired ex manager who used to be Frank's manager too. It's funny how I get on much better with people once they don't have the misfortune to have to manage me anymore. I think I am a big pain generally which is why I'm better kept at home.

Anyway, imagine my surprise when I was given an invitation to the evening wedding reception of John and Jennie's eldest son next month?! The dress code is probably wellies as the bride's family are farmers and the reception is in a marquee in a field. The thing is, anyone who knows me knows I am not a high heels and sparkly dress person. Just as well! I will polish my walking boots and wear my best black work jeans. Frank and Ann will be there too so at least I'll know someone.

Other news? I got a text message from a friend I chat to regularly but hadn't seen for years. 'Fancy meeting for a drink this week?' I assumed he'd got the wrong number but he's doing an Oracle course in Evesham and will meet me in Stratford. That's OK I suppose. That's two days where I won't be doing birdie blips...

Track? My favourite version of a Jimi Hendrix number. Sorry I have posted it before - Little Wing

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