An emotional day as we took Matthew out for a 'special' this morning. We weren't due to se him, but because we are away of next Saturday, he is already getting a bit anxious!!

We did the usual, what was expected, High speed trains then onto the garden centre for coffee and cake. He was more anxious than usual and I could see some weight loss! For those not aware of autism, Matthew needs everything to stay the same. It's his way of making 'sense' of the world. Don't we all need that from time to time?

Today's blip of my Pasque flower (latin name Pullisilata xxxx), alright it's late and I dont remember the full latin name. The important thing is it's supposed to flower over Easter, and today is Pentecost. And for those who dont know, it is the celebration when Jesus sent down the Holy Spirit. If you have never experienced it, the only way to describe it is being drunk without actually taking any alcohol!! Yes, it's that good.

So here in the light I give you special seed heads.

Enjoyed the F1 from Canada and actually managed to sit and watch the whole race without getting up to cook a meal, telling Mr A to fix his own meal. WOW that was a first. I must be getting bold and brave in my old age.

And I leave you with kind thoughts for the week ahead.
I am holding the fort at work while Sir is away for a short holiday in celebration of his sons wedding. And then of course packing for my anual holiday on Saturday.

Hope your weekend has been everything you had hoped? And thankyou for taking the time to read my usual boring tripe! xx

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