Big kids

Corin and I went sledging in the park this afternoon. James declined our invitation to join us, deciding instead to stay inside where it was warm and there was an X-Box to entertain him.

Following the lead of my brother, and doubtless there are others who have done this, Corin removed the wheels from his skateboard. We did take the snowboard as well, but it stayed in the car - we didn't want to break it.

Our local park is normally pretty quiet - it's vast and you can actually walk around there normally without bumping into a soul. However, today it was heaving with people. Everyone was out, with a variety of makeshift sledges - "For sale" boards from houses, blow up mattresses, storages boxes, cushions off summer furniture to name but a few of the examples we saw.

We started on a baby slope - this was Corin's second run down when he decided to chance the purpose built ramp at the bottom of the slope. Some others of Corin and I are here. I'm a big baby so I was positively bricking myself before I went down the slope the first time ...after that I was hooked. Not laughed so much for ages, particularly on a bigger slope later on when the skateboard decided that backwards was the new way forwards and I flew down the slope at speed with no idea where I was going. Ace!

Anyway, the roads have cleared round here - we've had a fairly significant thaw today and hopefully no more snow tonight, so work tomorrow and back into routine.

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