living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


Mouse was really sad today and needed some milk and cuddles.

Monkey has had his share of sorrows today as well- when you're two most everything is rapture or sorrow. There is very little in-between. His sorrowful moments included a few trips and bumps, not wanting to wake up from his nap, altercations with Theo and Issac and his sister over property rights, and not wanting to eat dinner until he was done colouring. He did indeed finish his masterpiece and then ate happily. So, a normal day, really. Luckily milk and cuddles work for him, too.

As a family we've had a few sorrows lately. We lost the last member of our rat clan a few weeks ago but I felt a bit too bad to write about it then. Also, many of our tadpoles have and are continuing to bite the dust. I feel so guilty and I don't really know how to fix the problem. I will keep trying, but it feels like a losing battle.

Mostly today was really nice and not sorrowful at all. Lots of friends and some sun in the garden. <3 I was asking Chickpea who her favourite friends were to play with and she said she likes them all the same temperature, which I thought was a rather poetic way of putting it.

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