South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Bee before the storms

This bee wasn't buzzing around as quickly as usual - maybe the humid heat was slowing it down! Hubby moved his office to the garden this afternoon as it was so hot and sunny and the south facing office was basically unusable. He'd just packed up his papers and come indoors for tea and the rain started to bucket down! Then we had thunder on and off for an hour or so.

Have had quite a busy day as I decided to blitz part of the garden as it's looking terrible. It seems that Stuart's day off has either been spent at my Dad's or the weather has been bad. He has a day off tomorrow, but we're going to see my Dad, and he'll do some gardening there. I ripped out loads of sticky weed and dead bluebells and leaves of tulips and daffodils. It looks less bad, but needs a lot of tidying up and weeding. But I didn't hurt my back doing it, so may well be able to do more another day (it's been so frustrating having to just look at the mess!). I also cooked a pie for lunch, had a Tesco delivery of groceries and did some window cleaning and washing. So, quite a productive day!

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