
By Mikey88

Damsel Fly

We had five damsel flies flitting about the pond today. There haven't been that many for three years, so I was really pleased to see them. To make it even better, two of them had linked up and were mating. I didn't see where they went after this, but hopefully they will have laid some eggs in the pond. If we can get another few sunny days, there may be even more of them.

I tried to get the results of my hearing today - after my accident caused by a mini-stroke, the police decided to charge me with driving without due care and attention and the hearing was last Thursday. I couldn't get to a phone on Friday, so spent today trying to get through.

All I got when I telephoned the Magistrates' Court and worked my way through the menus, was a section of Mozart which sounded like it was being played on a 1980s computer. It played through four or five times, and was followed by a recorded voice telling me that the extension was busy and I would be connected to an operator. There was then another burst of Mozart and the voice came back to say that there was a high volume of calls and to try again later.

Very annoying and frustrating. It will probably be the same tomorrow.

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