
By Mikey88

Willow Tit

I went down to the river to the local nature reserve for some more macro shots this afternoon and with all the macro shots I took, I decided to blip this one taken with the telephoto. I was kneeling down, taking pictures of some false oil beetles when this marsh tit flew into the bushes just over my head. As I was kneeling, it didn't seem to know what to make of me and sat there looking while I changed lenses and took several shots. It then slipped away into the bushes.

I spent the morning at the hospital with my mother-in-law for her monthly check up on her eyes (wet macular degeneration). Her eyes were stable last month and and again this month. She has been able to get some new glasses now they are more settled and the consultant was surprised at how much her eyesight had improved - much to her delight.

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