Just Pretty.

Had to redo this - it didn't upload and lost all my writing!!!

Got my Monday Morning lie in back today after some of my work was rescheduled. Such a lovely treat!

Im doing the 30 Day Ab challenge for June. Today I managed 30 sit ups (still got 15 to do!!). Day 1 I could hardly manage 15!! Daughter Number 1 and then had a good hard swim and a good hard sit in the Jucuzzi for 10 minutes!!!

So, while I was at work this afternoon my Baby Boy text me to tell me he had forgotten his passport. He was at Gatwick due to fly to Bulgaria in 3 hours time. He lives in Cornwall!!! When will these youngsters learn!!! I think he's sorted now for a Thursday flight so I might even get to see him while he sits about and waits.

Been messing about with black clothes dye, redying some faded jeans. My gloves ripped - I now have black fingernails. Never a nice look!!!

Now watching David Beckam on TV. Great he's such a family man.

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