Had a lovely day until.........

..........someone didn't know how big their van was and drove off after swiping Mr W's lovely car.

We were in an oven shop!!! I was all excited at finding my ideal oven that both Mr W and I agreed on (except the colour but seeing as I do all the cooking I think I'll win that one).

Before that we had tea and cake in a garden centre in the sunshine.

Before that I was at work looking forward to going on a boat trip at Deptune Warf, Guildford. Lucky Mr W rang them to check times only to find out it was fully booked. Damn. Best to find that out BEFORE we got there I guess.

So, I'm sitting in the car while Mr W pops into Reigate Police Station to report the twat who's going to regret he can't drive properly! !! The shop told us it was the chap who's installing their air con.

Today can only get better!!!

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