A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Were there a sound option on blip you would now be listening to the blues number that is J's third piece for his piano exam (can't remember the name). They must always play his pieces in order as they are always playing this when I pick him up. I hope it doesn't suffer from its end of lesson slot, but perhaps that suits the blues. Oh, and he's hiding behind the top window in case you're wondering about the weird angle.

Busy day. Mainly worked but found it a little hard to focus. Which is unfortunate as a lot of the work I am doing at the moment is new which is good and stressful in fairly equal measure. Tomorrow is a big delivery so whatever happens this time tomorrow I should be more relaxed.

A good parenting day so all back in balance. Until the next time. But it's a work in progress so that's okay.

And the start of show week for Anna got off to a good start with apparently a good dress rehearsal. Although she wasn't home until 8.45pm and was firstly hungry and then struggled to come down enough to drop off to sleep. She's not on again until Thursday so hopefully a couple of good night's sleep and she will be okay.

Obviously all of this pales into insignificance next to Carl's excitement levels about the World Cup.

And I went for a little run during J's piano lesson which went well so I think my knee can well and truly be declared as fit as the other 41 year old knee!

Not bad at all for a Monday,

Lesley x

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