A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Called to the bar

I know, I know, a different sort of the bar than the one I am normally reporting from. This is going to be my new Tuesday night bar as I have tried, tested and now enrolled in a barre work pilates class. As bonkers and exhausting as it sounds and I will definitely be sore in all manner of as yet unchartered places tomorrow. The very lively music was helpfully distracting and it was lots of fun.

My morning wasn't as I did my all too boringly predictable worry a lot about a work thing I was delivering for the first time. Though all the worrying is useful as it makes me work very hard and hence it all went fairly swimmingly. And from that moment on I have been the very picture of relaxed happiness. Even tried a little singsong on the way home from school but was soon put in my place. Actually even got told off for doing so in my own kitchen but pointed out that now I was actually under my own roof I had a deal with grandma that I could do what I wanted. So there!

And bend and point and stretch and close.

Lesley x

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