Keith B

By keibr

Midnight ar Torpshammar Manor

This afternoon the staff from the university library gathered in Torpshammar Herrgård (to use the Swedish name). We socialised, ate dinner together and socalised some more later with some songs and music and another beer or two. Coming from three campuses in three towns we don't get together so often so it is fun to all meet up together once a year.
About 23:30 our group, the last one, headed of for bed because we get started fairly early tomorrow. Still fascinated by the white nights I took a walk to the river and took some photographs of the moon on the water and also back towards the manor.
This is 15 minutes away from maximum darkness. The air is cool but not cold. There is no wind. Birds are singing at full volume. A few moths are flitting about but all the mosquitoes and midges seem to have gone to their rest. In 30 minutes the new day arrives and the sky starts to lighten. Still magic after 30 years of Swedish summers!

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