Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

The Biggest Little City in the World

Just a quick shot of downtown Reno on the way home this evening. This is the only photo I took today. For shame!

Already, this week is shaping up to be a tough one. You may recall that I discuss the drainage issues related to our townhouse and the difficulties we have been having with our homeowner's association about remediating the drainage issue. Well, today we met with our insurance agent to discuss our house and car insurance. What we found shocked us. If our townhouse were to flood because of the drainage issue and neglect of the homeowner's association, our house insurance would NOT cover the damage. We would have to sue the homeowner's association and their insurance to take care of the damages. The "catch-22" is that the homeowner's association insurance does not cover damages to the inside of the townhouse. So, bottom line - unless our association fixes the drainage issue, we will have to pay for any damages to our townhouse due to their neglect then pursue long and expensive legal action to be reimbursed. We know from past experience with the association that they will employ the cheapest fix possible, and this may not remedy the problem.

I can not say how utterly disappointed and infuriated we are by this turn of events.

So, we have decided to be very proactive about this while protecting our interests. This week, we will be visiting with our attorney, a friend of ours who is a development and environmental engineer, and any others we need to "get our ducks in line" for the coming fight. After all the money and time we have spent to remodel this place, the last thing we want to happen is have a flood.

Ugh! Why do things have to be so difficult!!!!

We were planning on heading to Denver this week, but have temporarily postponed that trip until we can get things taken care of here. Needless to say, we are buying a bunch of sand bags, and will sand bag the place before we leave - just in case.

Thank you for letting me rant and rave here! I am generally a very even tempered person and rarely get angry. But when I do get angry, it is very difficult for me to "shake" it. Aren't there more important things to deal with in life than dealing with stuff like this????? Enough said.

I will keep you updated on the events as they unfold.

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