Bad Day.

Not the Land Rover, that was the high point of rather rubbish day really.

Drove a Defender a few years ago, didn't really think much of the experience (sorry Lauren), I believe it had been rather customised by the original owner (not my friend who had bought it), and had gone for the ride comfort of a peanut being shaken very hard in a can. To be fair they had got it spot on, but ever since then I've knda avoided Defenders, and figured they were owned by the hardest peanuts out there.

But this one I believe is entirely standard, and was much nicer to drive. The reason for driving it however, wasn't so good.

So this morning we decide that the hotels wifi really isn't as reliable as I need it to be for the time being. The hotel has big thick walls that are just not wifi friendly. So the FotoStelvio server had to go back to it's office (it was in my room for two days), so it could get a reliable signal again.

And whilst moving everything, I dropped the disk containing all the photographs. Twice.

Annoyingly I had tried to back them up two nights earlier onto my old backup drive "just in case" and it had failed miserably. My backup drive was having none of it. But heck, whats the chance of anything happening until my proper backup drive arrives in less than a week?

Hadn't figured on it dropping out of my hands whilst moving it. Son of a bitch.

Errors all over the drive and had to take the day off the mountain - a busy day - resurrecting all the photographs off it.

Which included driving down the mountain to Bormio to buy a new HD (two in fact) to use. An expense we were going to make later in FS2014. And as the Mercedes cannot do any mountain climbing - it'll get to the bottom just fine - that's gravity, it most certainly won't get back up the mountain until we work on it at the end of the month.

Last thing I need is a dead drive, and a dead car. So the hotel to the rescue for the 15th time this year, and lent me their Land Rover.

Which was great fun to drive. Really rewarding as well. Not fast, thank God. Yeah, I could own one of these things at home. (I won't though as I have enough vehicles I'm not driving).

So by the end of the day, I have more drives, I have a machine on the way from England courtesy of the ever patient Alex at MacKing (I'll be running a second backup in my room), and another drive coming from somewhere else in England.

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