twinned with trumpton


...and I Come Home On Sunday Morning

Wandered home around 3.30am; light was creeping up all the time, it's downhill, warm and so so peaceful.

I know the further down towards home I get that I need to walk the last half mile along the seafront, so I pick my way down to the gap by the hospice and the calm clear sheen of the early morning sea is so inviting, captivating.

And a million moon walkers, too!

So I take a few snaps, take a few more and by the time I've nodded and encouraged about 400 moonwalkers I'm in the house with 179 photos! (OK some were last night, but...)

I eventually get to sleep at 6.30, sleep til 9.30 then coffee and 7 hours of OT / COA.

Then it's off / out again, to meet up with Barry, another assault on Arthur's Seat; we walk up the road, up the east side from Dunsapie Loch, across the top and down through Hunter's Bog and back to the grassy knoll I found him on 90 minutes earlier.

Then home, via allotment to tend beetroot. I had gnocchi spinach left over ham and mozzarella and lay in bed, watched Breaking Bad - 7 episodes - until 3.30.

Long day. Not long enough sleep.

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