Messy Salad.

You just know your day isn't going to go according to plan when you get up an hour earlier than you need to and get dressed, before you realise the time!!! So I got back into bed fully clothed for an hour - and slept!!!! I thought it was a bit strange the rest of the house was so quiet - just presumed Daughter Number 1 had over slept!! Glad I didn't wake her. Mr W was on the sofa trying to get away from my snoring!

VERY stressful day at work with one particular family I have been working with for a while but my manager was there and she managed to reboot my laptop for me - AGAIN!

Then whilst waiting for my next youngster outside his school, it started raining rocks! Yes, I said ROCKS. Some bloody little yobs were chucking flint type rocks over the bike shed. One hit my bonnet, frightening the life out of me with the almighty bang. It caused damage as expected, so I went into the school and reported it. The Vice Principle was very helpful and came out to inspected the damage, only to narrowly miss being hit by another tennis ball sized flying rock! Luckily it missed the other children, her, me and the cars. Mrs Vice Principle legged it in her heels round the back of the bike shed and found 3 of the little yobs. Luckily she knew them all. One has already need excluded. So today it was my turn to report car damage to the Police. Mr W's was yesterday.

Thank you all for your concerned comments on the damage to his car yesterday. He went back to the Oven showroom to try and find the Air Con man but his van was different to the one parked next to us, who we suspect did the damage, so no one to blame. Just hope I have more luck claiming off the culprits than he will. I want a years pocket money from each of them!!!

And while I'm on a downer, I put my back out yesterday - again. Putting my knickers on. Dangerous things Knickers! and I woke up with the start of a cold.

So added to the fact My Baby Boy forgot his passport on Monday, its not been a great week. I shall be taking him to Luton early tomorrow morning and will make sure she has the damn passport!!!

Buts its not all bad. I now have 4 and a half days off. Thank God for that!!!!

Sleep, sleep, snore and more sleep. For me anyway. Never mind the household who have to listen to me!!!


Ps too tired to blip. Even too tired to make a pretty salad, so messy salad lazy blip it is!!

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