Pirate Rescue Princess
We had lots of time this morning due to Conor waking everyone up before 6am, so Orla got to play for a bit before school. She was a princess who rescued innocent Playmobil figures from the evil Playmobil pirates.
She needs a green t-shirt for sports day tomorrow and I found the perfect one in Next - it's got Angry Birds on it, she will love it. I took it to the till where the girl engaged me in conversation. I told her that I was buying the t-shirt (and some shorts, because you can't get comfy shorts in the girls' bit) for my daughter's sports day. "You do know this is a boy's t-shirt?" she said. I raised an eyebrow and said "it's a t-shirt" but inside I was going ARRRGHHH, IT'S JUST A T-SHIRT SHE CAN WEAR WHAT SHE WANTS WHO SAYS IT'S JUST FOR BOYS????
And breathe.
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