MarcyW Photography

By Marcy

Growing my hair

As most of you know, its a year ago that I decided to grow my hair. I saw a video of myself that hubby and I did for my mom's 70th birthday. My hair was dark and very short. When I saw that I decided right there that I was going to grow whats what I've been doing. Cannot believe its a year already.

Today I went for hi lights and had my hair thinned out a little...
I am happy with the colour....normally I leave hairdresser feeling very frustrated as my hair is yellow with orange colour in it. This time I went with instructions I had gotten from my sister who is a hairdresser in Cape Town and told them to allow me to sit...not to remove once the timer hits 20 mins....and thats what they did.
They are also the only hairdresser that I have been to that use GHD hairdryer and straighteners......the last hairdresser I went to had never heard of GHD ( Good Hair Day ) This is a product from the UK..and very popular in South Africa.

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