
By schlimm

Usher Hall

A bit of a non-blip today I'm afraid. Spent the whole day not really thinking about what to blip and then desperately blipped all the way back home from the bus with this result. Not great but it will do. I'm playing around with colours, contrasts, warmth etc and am quite interested by the results.

It's amazing what blip does to you! The way I look at the world around me has changed, I see pictures, look at the way scenes are composed and I do that now much more consciously than before. I went to see Sherlock Holmes last week and I looked at the way some of the (moving) pictures evolve and their compositions etc. Really amazing! I'm hoping to improve my pictures of people since I'm great at chosing the wrong background (with "wrong" I mean lamps growing out of people's heads and that sort of thing).

A big relief has come over me ever since this morning when I had to hand in our notice for A and S at the nursery. I found this really hard. They have spent most of their lives in that nursery and now it's up for sale so we had to look for other places. We were lucky enough to find somewhere quickly and in many ways it comes at the right time but still, giving notice today felt like ending a relationship where you know it's for all the right reasons but you still regret having to end it. Luckily the manager was very understanding even when I got a bit emotional about it all. But it's done now and we can move on. There will be a blip though of the building, possibly with A & S standing in front of it. (I'll probably even take L for that blip.)

Although, I've tried to think about future blips before and they never really turned out that way so I'll not think about it too much and let myself be driven by the moment.

Backblipped the weekend
down at the pond

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