Nothing to wear!

That's not true obviously and this section of my wardrobe tells me the contrary but how come I still want to buy more and more clothes?

I'm still wondering about this "putting money aside" for something question. It's obviously January and I have thought about what I could change and got to the conclusion that it would be good to start putting money away for something instead of paying for everything there and then (and not really being able to afford it...). So an old battered box holds £1 every day that I blip and by the end of the year I will be closer to buying a DSLR.

But what about all the little bits and pieces that I buy during the year, lured by SALE signs and just the fun of buying things and getting different styles of (basically) the same white/stripey/red top? I don't want to punish myself too much by making myself miserable and denying myself the pleasure I obviously have in purchasing something and adding it to my wardrobe but I also want to change something. I'm just finding it hard to change, I suppose.

However, when I manage NOT to buy something random just because it was a sale (or whatever) it feels good. So I shall persevere and meanwhile I'll go shopping in my wardrobe...

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