Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Final Day in the Classroom

Today was the last day of class for the spring 2014 semester. All four of the classes that I teach were scheduled to have their final exam today.

Once each class had gathered, I said a few final comments. I wanted to let them know that spending the semester with them had been a pleasure. And it had. Even though a number of them are not passing the class, they have all been pleasant to be with. We exchanged a few papers and some of them needed to get several of their scores for projects they had completed earlier in the semester, but they had not recorded their grade. Then they were gone. One or two stayed to say "thank you," but most were gone quickly. One student asked if I would take a photo with her, and I was absolutely thrilled. I asked if she would send me a copy and she actually did, so I'm using it here.

When she sent me the email with the photo, she wrote words that were quite meaningful to me. She expressed,

"Carol, thank you for a knowledgeable semester. I learned a lot! Thanks for the great motivation, and suggesting we write in a journal. I have been doing that, and I love looking back and reading what I did a month ago. I have my 12 year old doing it to. Thanks again and enjoy your summer as well! Adriana"

She had given me a gift, all packaged in pretty paper and tied with a ribbon. I was surprised and very appreciative, but her words were the true gift.

Another student send me these words in an email,
"Thank you for the encouragement and support. I learned a lot from your class, and I shall use that knowledge to my advantage. Have a fun summer."

Later after class I sent every student this message,
"I want to repeat what I told all students in the classroom -- you were a wonderful group of people to spend a semester with and you all have bright futures. Some of you will not have a passing grade, but I believe that is not a reflection of your mind, but of your schedule. You need to give more time to your studies. I do realize that many students do not give nearly enough time to their classes, especially their English classes, and entirely too many students think that a hybrid course will only take half the time. You all now realize that is NOT true. You are all smart enough to do well in English 50, even if you did not prove that this semester. In my life, 'experience' and 'failure' have been amazing teachers and both of those teachers always begin with the exam and then give the lessons. So if you've failed English 50, you can walk away from this having learned many things and do so much better next time."

The graduation ceremony will be Thursday. AND then summer! I teach for many reasons, but right now three of them stand very tall: June, July, and August.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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