
By Igor

Blip 100

Like many blippers, I didn’t know if I could manage to come up with a new idea everyday for a week, let alone a whole year. But, again like many blippers, I’ve reached the first milestone; 100 blips. Woohoo.

I set myself a challenge, which was to try and use just one lens on the camera - what we used to call a ‘standard lens’. I did this for a couple of reasons but the main one was to make me really look at what it was I was trying to photograph - to see with just one perspective rather than the multiple perspectives that a zoom lens gives.

I didn’t expect to get very far with this experiment, but looking back I’m amazed to discover that 88 of these 100 blips were taken with the standard lens. The rest were taken with either a short telephoto or a wide angle lens.

I’m really glad I did this. It’s made me notice things in a way I hadn’t before and it’s also enabled me to bond with my camera. I love it now. As opposed to merely quite liking it. And I haven’t yet felt the need for a zoom lens.

Joining Blip was one of the best decisions I ever made; I’ve learnt such lot and had so much fun. There are some very clever - and it has to be said - slightly bonkers people out there, given the lengths they go to get their daily blip.

Thank you to all of you who stopped by to see what I’ve been up. I’ve really appreciated the encouraging comments. Of course, most thanks go to the wonderful Anniemay, who has reduced my hours as loyal blip-slave so that I might have time to take my own photographs.

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