
By Igor

DDW Challenge; at the movies. The Wizard of Oz

If I were a film critic I’d say something like the ‘central conceit’ of The Wizard of Oz is a Dream. This is just a fancy way of describing the underlying assumption which we have to believe in, so that the plot may be seen as plausible.

Dream sequences are an important plotting device in books, TV and Film; who can forget Bobby Ewing in the shower?

If I were an expert on Australian Aboriginal Culture, I might say that the central conceit of Aboriginal Culture is Dreamtime. Then I’d probably have to backtrack a bit because the use of ‘conceit’ in this sense refers to works of fiction. And I would not refer to belief systems as works of fiction.

Dreamtime is a place beyond time and space in which the past, present, and future exist wholly as one. Much like the film.

And like the film, Aboriginal Culture has its own magicians (or shaman). This souvenir from our trip to see Mollymay last year, might well show a Wizard of Oz. Or it might just be someone dancing round a fire. You decide.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by my 100th blip yesterday - it made the spotlight.

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