out of the shadows

By MrsHart3

Be afraid....be very afraid......

I'm a little worried that I may have raised your expectations too high with my declaration of excellence yesterday!
Remember that everyone's definition of "really good" is not always the same.

It's hard to keep a nearly 6year old still, when he's busy being a fly, so this was the best picture I could get.
Sarah made the wings from wire and cling film and I did the rest.

I know lots of parents are working and busy these days, but it does seem a shame that lots of costumes for these sorts of occasions are bought ready made.
The days of a tea towel and dressing gown cord for a shepherd are long gone and the standard of angels at the nativity was quite astonishing, although there were still lots of tinsel haloes, I'm glad to say!

Oliver had lots of ideas and helped with the wings and the eyes.
It's not the best costume in the world and certainly didn't cost very much, but it was made with love and laughter and all of us working together ( apart from Alice who just kept stealing things!)

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