out of the shadows

By MrsHart3

The summer fairy....

Today, when I woke up and opened the curtains,
I saw that the summer fairy had been,while everyone was sleeping
She brings the hanging baskets and troughs that decorate the town all summer.

Since I've lived in the middle of town, I am amazed by the different fairies that come and go.
In a few days the carnival fairy will come and when I wake up, there will be bunting

At Christmas, the noisy christmas elves will bring the christmas lights and then magically take them away again just before twelfth night

We should be grateful to the fairies, because if people were to do these tasks, one can only imagine the dreadful noise and commotion there would be very late at night!

People would have to drive cherry pickers very slowly down the road
Men would have to drill holes in the walls to hold the new christmas decorations
Men would have to come with water tanks and pumps on lorries to water the flowers
And people would have to call to each other in the darkness for reassurance.......

Thank goodness for the fairies :-)

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