THE Passport.

This is My Baby Boy. My youngest.

He was due to fly to Bulgaria from Gatwick on Monday but got as far as the check in desk before he realised he didn't have his passport! ! Sam lives in Newquay. He had a 7 hour coach trip to get to Gatwick!!! Time enough to check you have your passport - one would think! !!

Anyway, after a few nights at his dad's, a mercy dash to the post office by my brother, £200 for another ticket and a lift to Luton by Mummy dearest this morning, he finally got to Bulgaria. I think!!

As he got out the car I joked and asked if he had the passport. He'd only left it on the back seat! An hour later I texted him, asking him if he still had his passport, joking again - he text back saying he'd left it on a table and walked off but someone found him and gave it back!!!

I wonder if we will ever see him again!!!!!!

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