Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

A great opportunity

This morning I had to go past our main office to collect a couple of things. this meant I got a nice stroll along the canal in the gorgeous sunshine! What a great opportunity to set off a little early and try out my new toy. I had some white balance issues in the sunshine and a few hand/wind shake issues but I also got some really nice shots. There were a few I would have loved to use. Cow parsley with beautiful bokeh from the water behind, but a bit too much extra cluttered blurred greenery for my liking. The nice juxtaposition of a fresh green leafy shoot growing out of a hard grained colourless wall. This one won out in the end, I liked the composition, the depth of field, the colours of the flowers and the blurred out sky.

I'm not going to complain about the weather, I do love the sunshine and it's very good for you in moderation but the day was incredibly warm. There are downsides to the officervatory, the main one being the fact I basically work in a greenhouse. We are blessed with a huge horse chestnut tree that keeps the early morning sun off us, but by lunchtime we are in the line of fire and the temperature rises. Some would say our office is just full of hot air. We threw the windows and doors open, we retrieved the fans from our little office and we were still verging on unbearable heat! And there's months more of it to come.

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