Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Exciting new toy!

It was a hard day at work. I'm trialing a new shift pattern and so getting home half an hour later. I opened the door however to find a box. A well wrapped, rather fragile box...

On my last visit home, my camera shutter button was sticking and so I picked up my mum's with her 60mm macro lens on it. I had great fun going around the garden taking photos of flowers and herbs and plants and even people! Who would have thought a macro lens would also be great for portraiture! There is a pattern emerging when I visit home and play with new camera equipment. My faulty vivitar point and shoot was upgraded to a Panasonic Lumix fz-28 after a look at what it could do and a bit of a play. A shot on the Canon D30 a couple of Christmases ago and it was leaving in my bag. Now I'm madly in love the with the macro lens and it had to be mine. Unfortunately mum wasn't looking to upgrade this lens so I had to snipe one on ebay. A little more than I'd planned but I think the outlay will be worth it.

I was a little disappointed at first, mum's camera had been set up perfectly for using that lens and produced great results from the first click, I had to play and fiddle with settings before I could get anything even close to a good shot. However I persevered and I'm getting there.

In amongst all that excitement, I found that my little aloe/cactus/succulent plant thing has a flower spike. The plant was gifted to me as a baby, not bigger than the first section of your thumb, now it's as wide as my handspan and producing its own babies. Can't wait to see what the flower is like!

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