at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


I think Ivy looks quite alot like me- but an improved version. Like we have very similair eyes- but hers are a glorious greeny colour.

(I had to open a flikr account just to sharhe that comparison photo- I thought it was well worth it- it made me laugh)

It took Ivy and I about 3 times as long to walk back from the allotment as usual this morning. I had her on my back under our raincoat and a bunch of radishes i'd pulled up in a hand. We met a drawn out steady stream of tourists coming the other way- who would first ask about my radishes, then notice Ivy and ask the big three : 'how old' 'what's her name' 'is she good?'.

We were Seb sitting this afternoon- Seb is 6 months older than Ivy and very big for his age. I recon he weighs about what the very petite Ivy will be somewhere between 3 and 4 years old. He's also much taller- which made thinking about baby proofing for him much harder- he can play the piano in our living room without needing a chair. We had a great time whilst Ivy napped and then went up to get her when she woke up- she was very confussed about there being a boy in her bedroom. He showed her how to open her bedroom door and escape and she was very impressed.

Becky and Elena came for lunch with baby Edith and Elseanne. At the table I was trying to fee d Seb, Ivy and myself soup and sandwiches. The end result of which was that I got less than a quarter of my sandwich and Ivy spilt a pint of water on the floor. It was slightly chaotic. Edith can sit now, and she sat and played by herself like a trooper and wasn't put out at all by the chaos at the table.

We all went for a walk to try and get Seb to sleep after lunch. Edith was in a woven wrap, and Elseanne and Ivy were both on backs in their buckle carriers. It was like an Ullapool Sling meet. We ate chocolate cherry cheescake in the garden after and Ivy as the only baby awake was back to her bouncy self. She's a bit more observant and less boistrious when theres other babies about I think. She ate rather alot of compost. When Elseanne woke up - we got to do a comparison of 'clean baby that was been asleep'' -v- 'mucky baby whose been roaming about'.

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