at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


This photo was actually taken whilst I was showing Euan the photos from the day and we were discussing how I don't like to blip her eating all the time- because other people don't nesasarily find it as exciting as we do that she grabs the spoon and gets yoghurt on her nose. But then she did this with a bannana- and I had to share!

We went for a walk after lunch in a brief break in the weather- back to school with Euan and then on from there. Ivy was a bit confussed about where her daddy was going when he crossed the road to go into school and we went the other way.

I finished making her a playblanket with pockets and toy loops last night for keeping her toys from falling under seats when she goes on a plane to Italy in July. She impressed me this morning by pulling a book out of the pocket and opening it up. She likes to pretend she can read, she'll sit with an open book and make all the right noises.

Three times today she woke from naps babbling instead of crying. I like it alot- thought it does make her harder to hear. We ditched the baby monitor a while ago- it may have to be plugged back in- don't want to leave her awake and alone for two long in her cot because she'll devote her time to working out how to escape...

She guzzled apricots as an afternoon snack. She kept coming to ask for more, and I thought she must have dropped the one she had somewhere- but the bits i've found are teeny tiny- so I think she was eating the whole thing.

We're looking after Seb tomorrow afternoon and hosting ladies who lunch- so there is tidying and baby proofing to do this evening.

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