
By Cully

The day the boy and I said 'I do'

So the big day finally arrived...

Keeping it short and sweet, probably because most of the day was a complete blur through extreme emotions, I married the boy and it was - cliche I know - but the best day of my life just trumping the day I passed my driving test!

Everything went swimmingly and I think, I hope anyway, that everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves, even my Mum who only ever ventures to Asda and the Toby Carvery on special ocassions.

It was a hard day for the boy not having his mum there, but he stayed strong and did amazing through his speech, his mum would have been proud.

I always said I wanted a small affair far away to keep things intimate with just close friends, the boy disagreed, I am sure glad he changed my mind. Everybody there made it special and really chuffed that my Nan was well enough to come and see me marry the boy, she loves him more than me!

One regret dancing all night and not speaking to guests enough, oh and missing the evening buffet!

Very hard to choose a picture but I have gone for this one. My hair is coming out, I'm pretty drunk and my makeup had rubbed off on other peoples cheek but I love how the rain (the few spots we had all day - phew!) looks magical!

It was a magical day, and no one can deny it - even my Mum said so!

Photo courtesy of Lee Allen, a man that doesn't just make your day look special through his photos, he plays his part by making you belly laugh all day long.

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